The American Dream Myth


The American Dream Myth

            Economic mobility is the ability to improve economic status by having equal opportunity. Economic mobility is supposed to be provided or controlled by the government. Most of the studies show us that in most of the countries, economic mobility grows unequally and the biggest reason is the rich get richer.
We will be focusing on United States and Economic mobility comparing with other countries and looking to the history. Have you heard anything about American dream? If I ask to a kid or a young person today, they will not probably know what it is. It was existed. People in USA used to believe to American dream. For those does not know what it is American dream, it is a national ethos of the United States; every US citizen should have an equal opportunity to achieve success.
However, researches find out (unearth) that the United State may not be as mobile as Americans believe. A journalist and staff writer at the New Yorker, James Surowiecki, in his article The Mobility Myth, pinpoints that “United State has lower economic mobility than most of the European countries”(345). Comparing with the other countries, Even though United States is one of the most improved country, but why does USA have lower economic mobility than other countries?
Even though it is not appropriate, according to most of the studies show us that for those born into rich is easier to improve economic status than those born into poor. In a study called U.S Economic mobility: The dream and the Data written by Leila Bengali and Mary Daly indicates, “Those born into the bottom quintile are more likely to stay there. Similarly, those born into the top income quintile are relatively likely to remain in the top.”(3) .
According to statistical data, United States’ economy grows and getting better. However, unfortunately, economic growing of United State is not being fair and helps more likely to rich people. Barrack Obama, The forty fourth president of the United State, in his article A Fundamental Threat to the American Dream, verifies that “the top 10 percent consistently took home about one-third of United States’ national income”(341)

After all, can we still believe that there is a economic mobility in United State ? Nevertheless, if you study hard and get your degree, you might have a chance to get better opportunity to achieve success. However, Bengali and Daly, based on their research in their article, proves and documents that “child born to a bottom quintile family who graduated from college has similar mobility to a child born to a top quintile family who does not finish college.”(3) 
If we look at the big picture, it is not the only USA. All around the world, even the most socialist countries, the economy grows and gets better. Nevertheless, the rich get richer. In that case, if this problem keeps happening, all money going to be collected in one hand and the others will be left to get by. Because the rich never stop getting richer.
Surowiecki, in his article The Mobility Myth, considers that “most people who are poor are poor because they made the mistake of being born to the wrong parents”(345). We cannot judge people because of they are born into the poor family and it will not be fair to keep someone from education because they cannot afford. It is not about only education. We cannot keep people away from medicine, social life, food, etc...
Government’s goal should be providing to every single person a peaceful and equal life, and they should be able to tax fairly, and in the case of need, transfer the money from rich to poor people. However, according to proven track history, it is harder to take rich's money. Because the rich have power over the government and they can force the government to make the law that helps them to get richer, and naturally, the poor will get poorer.
In this case, moreover than government' duties, as citizens, we should be more considering about equality and economic mobility as a social community. As citizens, every single person has social duties, such as being helpful for society or understanding that every single person deserves a good life. Surowiecki, in his article, mentions, "Americans are less concerned than Europeans about inequality and more confident that society is meritocratic"(345).

In conclusion, being aware of how important equality is and being helpful for society helps to us and others to have a better life. We can start to donate more for students or homeless or charity. The world has the capability to take care of four times more population. When we learn how to share as a citizen, we will not need the government work for economic mobility.

Works Cited
Obama, Barrack. “A Fundamental Threat to the American Dream.” [From a speech delivered on December 4, 2013] Amerika Now edited by Robert Awan 11th Ed.
Surowiecki, James. “The Mobility Myth.” [The New Yorker, March 3, 2014] Amerika Now edited by Robert Awan 11th Ed. [The New Yorker, March 3, 2014]
Bengali, Leila and Daly, Mary. “U.S. Economic Mobility: The Dream and the Data. 2013-06 FRBSF Economic Letter

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